Hot Net Babes Update Archive

Welcome to my Hot Net Babes Update Archive.  Here, you will experience what I’ve been up to as far as growing this domain into one of the largest hot babe online directories on the net.  Check back often for bug fixes, updates and announcements.

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021


Summer 2024 / /August 21 – Hey all, i’ll be under the hood, continuing to work on the internals.  Hope you’re all well!

Summer 2024 / /July 15 – Good morning peeps.  Going to be adding various affiliate programs today.  I’ll only be adding ones that I trust, you know?

Spring 2024 / May 3 – Hey all, happy Friday!  Ok i’m doing a version update this update.  Most of it will have to do with the directory separation moving the content creators to their own directory Hot Content Creators and leaving Hot Net Babes to represent the online porn scene.

Spring 2024 / April 24 – Hey everyone!  Long time, no see, huh.  Directory separation is now upon us so this next couple of days, i’ll be re propagating this directory with some of the yummiest erotica you’ve ever seen!


Fall 2022 / November 28 – Happy Holidays everyone.  I’m just updating the core this evening.  So as I was saying, I thought i’d be on this “directory separation” by around now, but no.  I’ll be doing this the first of next year, but it’s coming and doing this is on my mind.

Summer 2022 / August 25 – Updating internals.  Also a heads up, I plan on really getting into re indexing this directory and separating the creators to their own domain.  I hope to be on this huge project by the holidays.

Summer 2023 / June 26 – Hola, updating internals, hope you are all well out there.

Spring 2023 / May 5 – Hey all, just doing some updates, hope you’re all doing groovy..

Spring 2023 / April 18 – Version 7.1 is running for the next couple of months as well as re-indexing this directory.  7.1 brings a new index, the new “core status” down below, while I’m reindexing, I’m adding  follower count per creator, as well as new promotionals from they’re brand.  It will be interesting to see who’s online and who’s dipped out in the past 6 months.  So making sure they are still online and not 404 and updated images for every creator.

Spring 2023 / March 27 – Hey all, ok so I am in the process of separating hot net babes with another domain exclusively for the content creators.  And it’s proving to be a huge pain in the ass, haha.  So I’m continuing incremental updates while I start this project, that will probably take most of the year imho.

Winter 2023 / February 26 – Good evening all, updating some things, adding a couple of creators and …yeah life is ok.  I’m sorry about the “most viewed Goddesses” sidebar scroll being down, I tested it when I reset it.  It’s fixed now though :). I hope all of you are well, especially those in war zones around the world..

Winter 2023 / February 11 – Hola, throwing up some new creators this evening.  Hoe net babes is going to be expanding from one to four babe directories in various niches, this year.  So the updates will be light here until I have those finished enough to plug them in, fyi.

Winter 2023 / January 29 – Hey all, uploading a couple new creators this evening.  Hope you’re all well, go Bengals!!

Winter 2023 / January 13 – Hey all, I want to have this domain to be finished by years end.  Tonight, uploading two 🙂

Winter 2023 / December 28 – Crazy turn around time right?  I think 2 days is the quickest update cycle I’ve done.  This extra time will afford me the opportunity to round out this collection of busty content creators.  I’ll be touching every directory twice a month until I’m caught up.


Winter 2022 / December 26 – Hey all, I’m updating to version 7 and putting up a couple of new content creators, resetting the right sidebar count to keep things fair and yeah.  Clear your cache and I’ll be moving some stuff around, fyi.  Just kinda a nice re decoration.

Fall 2022 / November 29 – Hey everyone, I’ll be here for a couple of days, throwing up a new wall of content creators for you to check out!  I’ll also be changing some verbage in a couple of tags here, but not a big deal.  Hope you all have a great Hallows Eve 🙂

Fall 2022 / October 10 – Update is done and sidebar views are reset.  I love this time of year, it’s my favorite.  I really hope all of you are well.  My heart is sad for all of the shit going on in the world.  How society’s spiraling…  People shouldn’t have to fight for independence or freedom.  People deserve to be free.  This wall is beautiful isn’t it?  Check them out and see ya next update.

Fall 2022 / October 6 – Hello everyone, watching football this evening and doing updates.  I’m putting up a new wall, but I’m trying to work as much as possible so it will take a couple of days.  Hope you are all well, and it’s Halloween season!!

Summer 2022 / September 21 – Hola, I’m done with the update.  My, what a day of news.  Nuclear war, inflation, everything’s expensive, I have to work more now at my job and I really can’t be around people all day, haha.  I mean the pandemic and other recent world events have really fucked people up, mentally.  At least here in the U.S.  Anyhoo, until next time, peace out!

Summer 2022 / September 18 – Hey all, you’ll notice some subtle differences with the interface.  Also the update window now only 8, instead of 12 update spots.  For the next couple of seasons, I’m really going to focus on my membership concepts, and I need the extra time.  I may change it back once that is done.  I’ll be here for a couple of days, adding new content creators.  I’ll also be converting all of the images to webp, so Hot Net Babes. might be slow for a bit.

Summer 2022 / August 31 – This visual babe directory is officially re-indexed, woot!  The count down below is accurate, by some miracle, I didn’t lose alot of content creators or sites.  Ok then, see ya when I see ya 😉

Summer 2022 / August 30 – Hey all, so re-indexing this thing, I have no idea why I only had 15 promotional pics, I mean, I just don’t know.  Anyway, I’ve been filling out the pages.  I’m almost halfway done, believe it or not.  I’m on content creators.  Part of this version update is to incorporate more promotional video, so you can see more about them.  But this is totally a walk down memory lane.  I’m taking gallery updates off of this page, because they are sized differently and it just looks like shit.

Summer 2022 / August 29 – Hey all, so re-indexing this visual babe directory until I’m done.  What does “re-indexing” entail?  WellI I go through every page, to make sure the the new redesign is on all pages.  I make sure the content creator/models all have 30 promotional pics.  Sometimes when I think that a content creator is awesome, I might only put 1/2 the promotional up.  Well with re-indexing, I also update the galleries and make sure that everything is online and not 404.  I am also re directing traffic to social media pages more than “link tree’s” these days, since that whole debacle last year.  This shouldn’t take a crazy amount of time, but we’ll see.

Summer 2022 / August 12 – Sooo, yeah I lied, I’m gonna go ahead and update this visual babe directory to version 6.8.5.  Included are revising some of the verbage, new “trending babes” sidebar.  Resizing the pages so the sidebar isn’t scrolling forever on desktop.  New logo and graphics celebrating Hot Net Babes being online for the past 2 decades.  Providing tooltip information on “mainstream” models that I have indexed.  Replacing pics with promotional video feeds on “Babe Spotlight”, among other things.

Summer 2022 / August 7 – Hey everyone, as previously stated, I’m working on my other 4 porn directories and as soon as I am done with that (next month), i’ll be here during the fall, updating this visual babe directory and altGoddess.

Spring 2022 / May 9 – Wow, so much anger with the last post.  Got a new wall going up the next couple of days.  Also officially over 400 hot models, content creators, websites and galleries.  I’m very blessed to be able to continue to rebuild this visual erotic directory.  And stay online for over 2 decades.

edit – Sometimes I go down these fucking holes, man.  I have alot of Asian Goddesses going up.  I’m usually updating my network after working all day and I’ve bathed and am relaxed, stoned and sipping an energy drink whilst indexing hot babes from all around the world.  So yeah, that’s the back story on that.. carry on.

Spring 2022 / April 28 – Really Russia?  Gonna “nuke” us all huh?  Bring it putin, you fucking bitch or shut the fuck up.  Geez little dog, gunna bark all fucking night or what?  The song on the radio is it, i’ll drop acid and skin that piece of shit “leader” you have, alive.  Russian people, Fight Motherfuckers!  Fight for your liberty (trust me, it’s awesome) take your great country back man, we’re (like the whole world) is behind you all.  I’m so mad.  Every American wants to rip putins head off at this point, blah blah blah, nuke this,  nuke that, blah blah.  If your military sucks as bad as your nukes, we’ll be fine.  Iran!  What up peeps!  I see you surfing me.  Love your country, the history, would love to visit if you peeps weren’t also oppressed.  What a world, huh.

Spring 2022 / April 26 – …who is that, doing a week long update today?  Who’s been here, stuck on this update for a week?  That would be my dumb ass.  I had another episode last week and am just.. wow.  Most of you also know that I’m a driver sometimes, so lost out on that income, because some fucktard rear ended me.  So I got stressed about that and have been out for a week.  Anyhoo, I’m going to be finishing updates by tomorrow evening.  Updating my membership sites tonight, but yeah that’s where I’m at.  I’ve been asymptomatic for a day, literally.  Hope you are all well.  Also thanks for the content creator suggestions.  Yep, please keep that feedback coming.

Spring 2022 / April 18 – Ok, on the cusp of having over 400 of the hottest “babe” content creators and websites out there on the net.  It’s amazing how my baby has grown and matured since she first went online 20 years ago.  Geez what a long time.  Surf to your hearts content, i’ll be around for a couple of days and Happy Easter!

Winter 2022 / March 17 – Hey everyone, updating the tube, prepping it for more promotionals this summer..  I’ll be adding a new wall here, it will take a couple of days, as I am also updating one of my membership sites.  Hope you are all well!

Winter 2022 / February 23 – …aaaaand done!!  The interface just looks so much better.  Load time of 4 seconds if your bandwidth is average, 2.9 seconds if you’re on 5g.  I’m cool with that.  Ok see ya when I see ya, enjoy the new content creators, look like and follow please.

Winter 2022 / February 21 – Good afternoon, all!  Pretty excited about putting up the first wall since the redesign.  Let the games begin, this will take me a couple of days to do.  I’m also switching to 12 content creator updates every update.  This will afford me the couple of weeks that I have off between updates, to really go directory by directory and add all of the sponsor promotionals I’ve been sitting on.  Lots of growth in store, this year!

Winter 2022 / February 11 – Hot Net Babes is officially remastered, wooooot!  Gonna celebrate and play some far cry for a bit.  I lost 15 sites and galleries, mainly from old sponsor content.  So yeah, surf her, kick the tires, tell me what you think!  Not sure how many other directories do this, that aren’t run on scripts, but this visual directory is 404 free as well.  I’ll be back to it, adding some of the sexiest content creators in a week or so.

Winter 2022 / February 10 – Ok so it’s remastered.  Looks like night and day imho, and this redesign will set us up for success in the future as this erotic babe directory continues to grow!  You will see a new directory called “Niche Porn”.  There will be sub libraries attached to this, fyi.  I’m going to start transferring sites from alt Goddess now.

Winter 2022 / February 7 – Version 6.5 is here.  It’s a complete redesign.  Among other things, this new color scheme, i’ll be making sure all buttons are uniform, i’ll be changing the orientation of the thumbs from landscape to verticalish.  I originally did this way back in the day when I was making my first erotic directory.  Now it looks like shit, so…

If content creators need updating, that will happen.  I will also be diverting all traffic, if possible from only fans to either their social media or another form of “link page”.  Doing this since some platforms are going 404 on adult content creators and it’s bullshit imho.  It will be fucking beautiful, but I’m gonna need a week or so of this erotic directory looking like shit while I update and move stuff around.

Lastly, the “Basement” on altGoddess will be getting moved to here.  It just doesn’t fit the motif of that domain anymore, and you know, while I’m tearing shit up, might as well.  Ok off to get this going!

Winter 2022 / January 15 – Hey all, adding a new wall in the next couple of days, also updating the core files of this directory. ;). I’m working full time again, so I am getting to my directories when I can.


Winter 2021 / December 24 – Hola, it’s been a minute.  Got really sick for like 3 weeks, and didn’t really do shit as far as getting to my sponsors, tbh.  But this week, I’m going to be getting back to content creators for now.  When I’ve exhausted the list I already have in que, then i’ll be doing sponsor content for a couple of months, then jumping on the tube.  I’m back at work full time, so i’ll be doing all of this when I can, peeps.  Merry Christmas!!!

Fall 2021 / December 1 – Hey all, I’m going to be getting back to sponsor content, probably until the first of the year.  This is network wide, so this message is on all of my visual directories.  And I will be here off and on adding other niches that happen to have busty bbw content until then.  The first of the year, back to bi weekly updates and resuming indexing content creators.  You’ll also note that the image galleries have different rollovers now, this is my 6.2.5 update, but I’m taking my time with it.

Fall 2021 / November 14 – Ok I’m getting to the part where I started to include content creators last year, as with all of my directories, with the “only fans” snafu earlier this year, I am redirecting all traffic from only fans back to the content creators social media accounts or link tree pages.  I’m just a smidge past being 3/4 done with the revamp.  Also clearing out dead galleries and 404 sites while I’m at it.

Fall 2021 / November 12 – Hey everyone, Version 6.2 will be coming at ya in the next couple of days as well as a new wall of content creators!  Very happy to be able to get around with revamping this adult visual directory and her sister site this holiday season!

Fall 2021 / October 7 – Hello, it’s been awhile.  I’m remastering 2 of my membership sites, it has to be done.  I will be back here working on updating this visual babe directory to version 6.2.  This will include new urls for the content creators, moving away from linking them to their membership platforms to more of a social media based tab library of where you can find your favorite models.  This home page will also be revamped.  I’ll still be tinkering with SEO.  The traffic to this domain is unacceptable, I’ll be rectifying that as well.  Today, core updates, new GDPR, bringing back the ratings system, a core update for our babe tube.  Popular models are now replaced with another indexing framework, not as pretty, but much more efficient.  Those are just some of the changes you’ll be seeing here this fall!

Summer 2021 / August 12 – Hey everyone.  Doing the last pat of the version 6 update today as well as throwing up a new wall of content creators.  So i’ll be doing some social media stuff, adding modules.  I’ve opened up the pipes with my server and this domain since I think we’re ready for “prime time” now.  With going on 400 Babes sites, content creators and erotic models, we’re already larger than most of our competition.  So you should be surfing my baby about 3x what you were about 30 minutes ago.  “Hot Babe of the Week” gets a new archive, the image is much smaller now for my desktop surfers.  With these upgrades, that should round out things here.

Summer 2021 / July 28 – Ok I caved, this new redesign, I’m going to throw into in update that is version 6.  You should notice a significant increase in speed as of this writing, since now the load size is about 1/3 of what it was.  So let’s see how the minimalist route goes, shall we?

Summer 2021 / July 22 – I forgot to mention that a new library called “Babe Reviews” will also be worked on and completed next week.  Also reverting back to the old gallery design for indeed models.  I’ll still use the new gallery format, but they will be for exclusive gallery sets from our sponsors.  This page is also a part of the Version 6 update.

Summer 2021 / July 9 – Hey there peeps, a very large update tonight and probably some of tomorrow, as I start migrating 404 babe sites from years past.  If we’re going to be an adult babe directory, we are going to have all aspects of what that emcompasses covered.  So we are growing up as a visual babe directory and that’s a good thing.  After this migration is done, I’ll be adding a new wall of content creators as well.  So there’s that.

Summer 2021 / June 21 – Hey all, adding a new wall of models this evening as well as spending a couple of days, at least, re working and optimizing this visual babe directory.  Some minor updates, like the button below, but nothing major going on this week!

Spring 2021 / May 30 – Welcome to Version 6, peeps.  Every page will be affected by this update, and it will take a couple of weeks.  All core files, again updated, data pipes have been cleaned.  And this update is mainly visual with a deeper blue color scheme.

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